Custody in Michigan

Best Interest of the child questions to ask?

Every child custody or parenting time case requires an examination of what is in the Best interest of the child which are 12 factors defined in Michigan Compiled Law section 722.23. In this article, we will explore sample questions that can be asked relating to each Best Interest of the child factor. Sample Best interest[…]

Parenting Time

Parenting time appeal win by Findling Law

On May 30th, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals agreed with Findling Law, PLC in finding the trial court made a “clear legal error on a major issue” in reversing the trial court’s ruling denying father parenting time with the minor child. In Corsetti v. Cohen, the parties entered into a consent order granting mother[…]

Michigan Divorce

Frustrated and thinking about divorce?

Happiness and “in love” are not always equal. You can remain in love with your spouse and remain unhappy in your marriage. Communication, trust and forgiveness may be cornerstones to a successful marriage, however, so is happiness. After all, everyone should have a right to be happy. If you are frustrated and thinking about divorce[…]

Parenting Time

An introduction to parenting time

Parenting time (visitation) defines the frequency and duration each party spends with their child. Under Michigan law, parenting time is governed by statute. Specifically, Michigan Compiled Laws 722.27a, which is more commonly known as the parenting time statute.

Custody in Michigan

Can you agree on Custody?

While agreements on custody are usually “rubber stamped” and approved by the court, the court must make an independent determination that the agreement is in the best interest of the minor child. However, you can agree on parenting time.

Michigan Parenting Time

Michigan Parenting Time Guidelines

In Michigan, the parenting time statute provides that parenting time shall be granted in the best interest of the child. The State Court Administrative Office publishes the guidelines for parenting time which is directed to help Friend of the court’s around the State. Each county also has their own guidelines. We help you understand what you need to know.


Divorce in Michigan – Everything you need to know

Marriage struggles are real and sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan. If your unhappy and are considering a divorce in Michigan, here is everything you need to know. Sometimes things don’t get better. However, the proverb “knowledge is power” can help you take control of your situation with a fresh start[…]

Custody in Michigan

Michigan Child Custody Video Library.

For over 10 years we have been writing articles on Michigan child custody and in this blog post we reflect back on over 70 articles and videos on this important topic on Michigan divorce and custody law. Child Custody Videos In Michigan, Child custody refers to the legal and practical arrangement regarding the care, control,[…]


The Different Types of Custody.

In sum, although court’s have created two types of custody (Physical and Legal), however, there is really only one type of custody that has two parts (The frequency of parenting time (MCL 722.26a(7)(a)) and decision making authority (MCL 722.26a(b)(b).

Custody in Michigan

Child custody steps

The first step is a threshold question which asks, what has changed since the entry of the last court order under Vodvarka; The second step requires determining the existence of an established custodial environment and the burden of proof. The third step is to apply the best interest factors using the appropriate burden of proof.

parenting time

The difference between parenting time and visitation.

Visitation and parenting time mean exactly the same thing under Michigan law. The term visitation is old and more appropriate for visiting someone in prison than enjoying time with a child. Some time ago, in an effort to avoid marginalizing or insulting a parent, courts began replacing visitation with the term parenting time, a kinder[…]

Child Custody

Changing custody

A trial court can enter and order changing custody, however, before a court may consider modification, the party requesting the change must demonstrate proper cause or a change of circumstances since the entry of the last custody order.

Parenting Time

Parenting time agreement

MCL 722.27a(2): If the parents of a child agree on parenting time terms, the court shall order the parenting time terms unless the court determines on the record by clear and convincing evidence that the parenting time terms are not in the best interests of the child.

Michigan divorce process

The Michigan Divorce Education Series.

In 2012, we envisioned a divorce video education series which evolved into the The Michigan Divorce Education Series by Findling Law. The idea was to provide quality information (more than just the basics with case law and statutory support) on Michigan Divorce, Custody, Alimony and support.

Divorce process in Michigan
Parenting Time

When can a court suspend parenting time?

Prior to suspending parenting time of a party, the trial court must hold an evidentiary hearing and find by clear and convincing evidence that continuation of parenting time would endanger the child’s physical, mental, or emotional health. Rozek v Rozek, 203 Mich App 193, 194-195; 511 NW2d 693 (1993).

parenting time
Custody in Michigan

How to get custody in Michigan

Most people will do anything for their children. Unfortunately, when a relationship is on the rocks child custody may become an issue. So, how do you get child custody in Michigan? We provide answers to this question and explore many of the nuances in Michigan child custody law. How to get child custody in Michigan[…]


Michigan Choice of school law. The nitty gritty details.

Most divorce and custody cases include an award of joint legal custody. As a joint legal custodian, both parents share equally in major decisions involving a minor child and one of those major decisions is the choice of school a child should attend. If a dispute arises, here are the nitty gritty details on choice[…]

Oakland County Divorce
Emotional Divorce

The decision to divorce – How to decide. Is divorce in your future?

The decision to divorce is not easy. After all, you committed to stating married “for better or worse”.  While some people get married for the wrong reason, others were once built on love and mutual respect which has evolved to disdain and conflict. How to make the decision to divorce? The decision to divorce –[…]


Can you change your mind after settlement?

You successfully settled your divorce case when you wake up the next morning with regret, buyer’s remorse, or simply that sinking feeling experienced about what you just did. Can you change your mind after settlement? The first step in the analysis is determining if your settlement is in fact a contract. Was there an offer[…]

Spying on Spouse

The use of a Discovery deposition at trial

Discovery is the formal process by which you “discover” information relevant to the case. In a Michigan divorce, custody or family law case, discovery is conducted in three ways.  First, Interrogatories (think Interrogate) which are written questions which must be answered under oath and subject to the felony of perjury.  Second, a Subpoena, which is[…]

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