Parenting time Agreements

When parents agree on parenting time.

Divorce can be a highly stressfull exerience for parents and children alike. One of the most stressful issues is often the frequency and duration each parent spends with a child (parenting time). When parents agree on parenting time terms, this stress is often minimized. Parenting time in Michigan is governed by statute. Specifically, Michigan Compiled[…]

Custody in Michigan
Custody in Michigan

Best Interest of the child questions to ask?

Every child custody or parenting time case requires an examination of what is in the Best interest of the child which are 12 factors defined in Michigan Compiled Law section 722.23. In this article, we will explore sample questions that can be asked relating to each Best Interest of the child factor. Sample Best interest[…]

parenting time

The difference between parenting time and visitation.

Visitation and parenting time mean exactly the same thing under Michigan law. The term visitation is old and more appropriate for visiting someone in prison than enjoying time with a child. Some time ago, in an effort to avoid marginalizing or insulting a parent, courts began replacing visitation with the term parenting time, a kinder[…]

parenting time
best interest of child factors

What is really in your child’s best interest?

You learn some big words in law school.  Take for example the law school phrase, res ipsa loquitur, which is a legal principle that an occurrence of an accident implies negligence or escheat, which involves the forfeiture of property. While the phrase best interest of a child seems simple enough, applying the concept of what is[…]

Can a child choose

Every other weekend parenting time not enough? – The case of Medford v. Verkade

In the recent case of Medford v. Verkade, the trial court entered an opinion and order awarding full legal and primary physical custody of the parties’ minor child to the father (Mr. Medford). The trial court also awarded limited parenting time to the mother. Specifically, every other weekend, three nonconsecutive weeks per year, and certain holidays.[…]

Michigan divorce laws

The nitty gritty details of Michigan divorce and custody laws

It is easy to get lost in the trees when you should be focusing on the forest.  However, we recognize that some people like the nitty gritty details which is why we created the nitty gritty details series.  The nitty gritty details series will focus on the technical side of divorce, custody and support laws.[…]

Parallel Parenting

Parallel Parenting: When You Just Can’t Co-Anything Anymore

You’ve probably heard of co-parenting, a term used to describe the situation in which a child’s parents are no longer married or living together. These parents are no longer together as a couple, but they work together to parent the child. But, what happens when the conflict between the parents is really high? They really[…]

Holiday parenting time

All I want for Christmas is holiday visitation

The Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwannzaa . . .) holidays give plenty of reasons to be stressed out.  Add a holiday visitation dispute to the season and the stress level can reach epic proportions. Holiday visitation in Michigan is governed by Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.27a which provides that visitation shall be granted in accordance with the[…]


Creating a Co-Parenting Plan

Co-Parenting Plan One of the biggest challenges in a divorce is the determination of how time with the child (or children, as the case may be) will be split between the parents. A written document outlining how the parents will raise the child after divorce (and, sometimes, after separation), is called a co-parenting plan, visitation,[…]

Nesting divorce

Nesting – New Age Parenting After Divorce

When you’re going through a divorce, there is a lot to think about. When children are involved, they can be one of the biggest sources of both comfort and worry during this major life change. Whether you get along with your spouse or not, it can be very tricky to figure out the best living[…]


Parenting Time in Michigan (Visitation law) [video]

Parenting time in Michigan (visitation law):   What does Michigan law provide?  How can you modify parenting time in Michigan? Want more than the basics? Click the button. Parenting time and visitation mean the same thing under Michigan law.  The statute, MCL 722.27(a) uses the term visitation to describe the frequency and duration a parent spends[…]


Michigan Child Custody, Child Support and Parenting Time (Visitation) video

Michigan Divorce Education Series Michigan child custody, child support and parenting time:  This video Webinar is a comprehensive explanation of Michigan law and strategy covering child custody, child support, and parenting time.  Key learnings and strategies are discussed.  I am hopeful you find it both empowering and educational.  A summary of the topics covered is[…]

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