Judge Dennings

The Divorce Judges of Macomb County 2024

The 2024 Judges of the 16th Judicial Circuit (Judges of Macomb County) Oakland County come from a diverse background and family law experience. At Findling Law, we have the great privilege of appearing before all of the full-time family court (divorce court) Judges of Macomb County. These Judges are assigned cases involving divorce, custody, support[…]


Where do you file for divorce?

In Michigan, you file for divorce in the county in which you or your spouse reside. However, there are certain requirements which must be met before you can file for divorce which are set forth in Michigan Compiled Laws section 552.9. State residency requirment: Prior to filing a complaint for divorce you or your spouse[…]

Parenting Time

An introduction to parenting time

Parenting time (visitation) defines the frequency and duration each party spends with their child. Under Michigan law, parenting time is governed by statute. Specifically, Michigan Compiled Laws 722.27a, which is more commonly known as the parenting time statute.

Custody in Michigan

Temporary custody orders

A request for a temporary custody order may be made at any time during the pendency of the case by filing a verified motion that sets forth facts sufficient to support the relief requested. (See: MCR 3.207(C))

Parenting Time

How to enforce parenting time (or any order).

On October 26, 2023, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Josey vs. Hayes. An appeal filed by Ms. Hayes after the trial court found her in contempt of court for failing to abide by a parenting time order. Althought Ms. Hayes managed to win on appeal (the trial court[…]

Michigan Divorce

One Minute Michigan Divorce

The Michigan divorce process may seem complicated, however, in this video we summarize the process in less than a minute. The Michigan Divorce Process Step 1: The first step in every divorce is to file a Complaint for Divorce. The Complaint for Divorce sets forth the statutory requirements to divorce in Michigan. These requirements include[…]

Custody in Michigan

Can you agree on Custody?

While agreements on custody are usually “rubber stamped” and approved by the court, the court must make an independent determination that the agreement is in the best interest of the minor child. However, you can agree on parenting time.

Michigan Parenting Time

Michigan Parenting Time Guidelines

In Michigan, the parenting time statute provides that parenting time shall be granted in the best interest of the child. The State Court Administrative Office publishes the guidelines for parenting time which is directed to help Friend of the court’s around the State. Each county also has their own guidelines. We help you understand what you need to know.

Property division

Is Michigan a 50/50 state in divorce?

Take two long term marriages with the exact same marital estate. The first marriage is 30 years and the parties lived as husband and wife. The second marriage is 30 years and the parties have not seen each other for 29 years. Obviously it would not be equitable (fair) to treat both of these cases the same. In the first example, a 50/50 division would seem appropriate, but not in the second example.


Divorce in Michigan – Everything you need to know

Marriage struggles are real and sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan. If your unhappy and are considering a divorce in Michigan, here is everything you need to know. Sometimes things don’t get better. However, the proverb “knowledge is power” can help you take control of your situation with a fresh start[…]

Custody in Michigan

Michigan Child Custody Video Library.

For over 10 years we have been writing articles on Michigan child custody and in this blog post we reflect back on over 70 articles and videos on this important topic on Michigan divorce and custody law. Child Custody Videos In Michigan, Child custody refers to the legal and practical arrangement regarding the care, control,[…]

Divorce process

The Early Intervention Conference in Oakland County

The Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) consists of a group of attorneys, counselors and support staff which assist the court in cases involving minor children or support by providing a formal (or informal) dispute resolution service including custody and support valuations. Another important function of the FOC is to conduct an Early Intervention[…]

Custody in Michigan

Child custody laws in Michigan

Michigan child custody laws provide a two-step process for determining child custody. The first step determines the existence of an establish custodial environment which determines the burden of proof required. The second step examines the best interest of the child factors which must be examined by the court applying the applicable burden of proof.

Michigan divorce

A Restraining Order in a Michigan divorce case.

A Restraining Order is an order used to protect the parties property and finances in a divorce case. There are two types of restraining orders typically filed in every Michigan divorce.  First, is a Restraining Order against property transfer and preservation of the marital estate. Second, is a Financial Status Quo Order.

parenting time

The difference between parenting time and visitation.

Visitation and parenting time mean exactly the same thing under Michigan law. The term visitation is old and more appropriate for visiting someone in prison than enjoying time with a child. Some time ago, in an effort to avoid marginalizing or insulting a parent, courts began replacing visitation with the term parenting time, a kinder[…]

Parenting Time

Parenting time agreement

MCL 722.27a(2): If the parents of a child agree on parenting time terms, the court shall order the parenting time terms unless the court determines on the record by clear and convincing evidence that the parenting time terms are not in the best interests of the child.

Parenting Time

Motion to modify parenting time

Although the threshold requirements to modify custody or a motion to modify parenting time go by the same names, proper cause or a change of circumstance to change custody or modify parenting time have different meanings.

Custody in Michigan
Divorce myths

Divorce myths. A video of truth.

In this article, we cover the top 10 divorce myths. When it comes to Michigan divorce law, everyone has a story about a ‘friend’ who went through a divorce and (fill in the blank) happened. Further complicating matters are the countless television shows and tabloid articles regarding divorce. While gossip, television shows and tabloid articles[…]

Custody in Michigan

What exactly is joint custody in Michigan?

Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.26a, requires parents to be advised of joint custody and the court must consider an award of joint custody at the request of either party.

Objection to Friend of the Court

Relief from a Judgment of divorce

When property is divided in a Judgment of Divorce is typically final and non-modifiable. However, a party can petition the court for relief from a Judgment of Divorce under MCR 2.612 in certain instances.

Is it Ok to date before divorce?

Michigan adultery law – it is a crime.

Adultery under Michigan adultery law is never enforced. However, the adultery statute provides: “Adultery is the sexual intercourse of 2 persons, either of whom is married to a third person.” Michigan Compiled Laws 750.29 The punishment for the crime of adultery is severe. Adultery is a felony, which means adultery is punishable by more than[…]

Property in Michigan

Divorce, property and a real estate commission

When negotiating a Michigan divorce, is it appropriate to deduct an unrealized real estate commission? In this case, the Michigan Court of Appeals decided that it is not appropriate to do so. When a marital home is at issue in a Michigan divorce, a court has three choices. The court can either award the home[…]

Custody in Michigan

What is a custodial parent in Michigan?

In Michigan, a custodial parent is the the parent with whom a child spends the majority of overnights with during the course of a year. This definition is similar to that used by the Internal Revenue Service when determining dependent status for tax purposes.

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