
When is a divorce settlement final?

Suppose a client comes into your office expressing buyer’s doubt, buyer’s remorse, regret, or simply that sinking feeling experienced a few hours or days after settlement. The client has changed his/her mind. Typically, the client is seeking a second opinion, having lost confidence in his/her lawyer. Most lawyers want to make their clients happy. However,[…]


Can you change your mind after settlement?

You successfully settled your divorce case when you wake up the next morning with regret, buyer’s remorse, or simply that sinking feeling experienced about what you just did. Can you change your mind after settlement? The first step in the analysis is determining if your settlement is in fact a contract. Was there an offer[…]

How to settle

Avenues for Settlement in Divorce Actions

Last week, trials in divorce matters were considered. As so many cases conclude with settlement, rather than litigation, this week’s discussion turns to mechanisms for getting a joint resolution. Settlement Negotiations In a sense, human beings learn to negotiate their entire lives. Within a divorce context, parties often discuss terms of their case with one[…]


When is a deal a deal?

When is a deal a deal?  Settlements. I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly column on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to[…]


Divorce Settlement video – How to settle a Michigan Divorce case

How to settle a divorce case The majority of Michigan divorce cases settle.  This article and video addresses hot to settle a Michigan divorce case and is part of the Michigan Divorce Education Series by Findling Law.                              Let our exceptional legal[…]

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