
When is a divorce settlement final?

Suppose a client comes into your office expressing buyer’s doubt, buyer’s remorse, regret, or simply that sinking feeling experienced a few hours or days after settlement. The client has changed his/her mind. Typically, the client is seeking a second opinion, having lost confidence in his/her lawyer. Most lawyers want to make their clients happy. However,[…]

Property in Michigan

What is separate property in a Michigan divorce?

When love and respect run out and a divorce is pending, it is important to understand what is separate property because under most circumstances separate property is not divided in a divorce case. Typically, separate property is identified as: “[p]roperty that a spouse owned before marriage or acquired during marriage by inheritance or by gift from a[…]

Obamacare The Affordable Care Act and Michigan divorce

Obamacare The Affordable Care Act and Michigan divorce:  According to the University of Michigan, a divorce results in about 115,000 women losing their private health insurance every year. Many rely on the Consolidated Omnibus Business Reconciliation Act (COBRA) to provide relief.  If a former spouse is employed by a company that offers health insurance (and[…]

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