Parenting Time

Parenting time appeal win by Findling Law

On May 30th, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals agreed with Findling Law, PLC in finding the trial court made a “clear legal error on a major issue” in reversing the trial court’s ruling denying father parenting time with the minor child. In Corsetti v. Cohen, the parties entered into a consent order granting mother[…]

Child Custody in Michigan

Michigan divorce law and change of circumstances.

In Michigan a change of circumstances is required to modify custody, child support, spousal support or parenting time. One of the most common questions asked to practitioners in family law cases involves modification of custody, child support, spousal support or parenting time in circumstances when the client perceives the result as unfair. In addressing the[…]

Support modification

Laid off or fired because of COVID-19? The time to modify support is now.

If your income has been reduced because of the economic effect of the COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Whitmers’ Executive Order 2020-21 (COVID-19), and an alimony or child support order is in effect, the time to modify support is now. There is no retro-active modification of alimony or child support. Time is of the essence to modify support.[…]


Parenting Time in Michigan (Visitation law) [video]

Parenting time in Michigan (visitation law):   What does Michigan law provide?  How can you modify parenting time in Michigan? Want more than the basics? Click the button. Parenting time and visitation mean the same thing under Michigan law.  The statute, MCL 722.27(a) uses the term visitation to describe the frequency and duration a parent spends[…]

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