Property in Michigan

Property recieved after divorce

As a general proposition, only property acquired by reason of the marriage (and during the course of the marriage) is divided in a divorce. However, there are circumstances when property received after divorce is also divided. For example, your spouse may have a bonus that was earned during the marriage but paid after the parties[…]

Property in Michigan

What is separate property in a Michigan divorce?

When love and respect run out and a divorce is pending, it is important to understand what is separate property because under most circumstances separate property is not divided in a divorce case. Typically, separate property is identified as: “[p]roperty that a spouse owned before marriage or acquired during marriage by inheritance or by gift from a[…]

Separate property

How to divide property in divorce video.

This How to divide property in divorce video provides a detailed explanation of property division and Michigan divorce law in an easy to understand format. Under Michigan law, property consists of both assets and liabilities. The core focus to divide in divorce is on property (assets and liabilities) acquired during the course of the marriage.[…]

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

I won the lottery in my divorce! Do I have to share it? MI Property Division Law

In today’s paper I read: “Pontiac man who won Mega Millions during divorce case during divorce case must share with ex-wife”. To the average person, the headline may seem shocking, however, to the sophisticated Michigan divorce lawyer who understands Michigan property division law, the decision is not. A. Background Richard and Beth Zelasko were married[…]


Marital and Separate Property? But my parents gave me the home . . .

In the case of Szcygiel v. Szcygiel, the husband challenged the trial court’s finding that a home acquired by the parties during the marriage by an inheritance was his wife’s separate property. The parties married in 1980 and had two children.  The marital home was on one acre in Kingston, Michigan.  The wife’s parents lived[…]

Gifted property and inherited property

As a general proposition, gifted and inherited property are not divided on divorce. The first step a Michigan divorce attorney takes in analyzing property division in a divorce case is to classify the property as marital or separate property.  As a general proposition, property acquired by reason of the marriage or during the course of[…]


Michigan Property division video

Michigan Divorce Education Series – Property division Divorce in Michigan  – Property Division:  This video Webinar is a comprehensive explanation of Michigan law and strategy covering property division.  Key learnings and strategies are discussed.  I am hopeful you find it both empowering and educational.  A summary of the topics covered is provided below.  (run time[…]

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