Custody in Michigan

Granting sole legal custody

Granting sole legal custody to a party is not very common, however there are facts and circumstances sufficient to do so. Unlike parenting time, which defines the frequency and duration each parent spends with a child, legal custody describes decision making authority. The law defining legal custody can be found in Michigan Compiled Laws, section[…]

custody modification

Changing legal custody for a sick child

There is a three step process to change legal custody. First, a showing of proper cause or change of circumstances since the entry of the last order. Second, the established custodial environment determines the burden of proof and; Third a best interest of the child analysis.

Custody in Michigan

What is a custodial parent in Michigan?

In Michigan, a custodial parent is the the parent with whom a child spends the majority of overnights with during the course of a year. This definition is similar to that used by the Internal Revenue Service when determining dependent status for tax purposes.

Custody in Michigan

The role of the custodial parent in Michigan Divorce.

The phrase custodial parent is not defined in Michigan divorce or custody law. However, the term has evolved to mean the parent that is awarded the majority of parenting time in a specific Michigan divorce or custody case. Michigan statutes and case law have defined two types of custody in Michigan. Legal custody and physical[…]

Physical custody in Michigan

Physical custody in Michigan

Physical custody in Michigan:  By: Daniel Findling Physical custody in Michigan explained. Unlike legal custody, which awards a parent with access to the educational, medical, religious and other pertinent records of the child.  Physical custody in Michigan is not easily defined. The problem with defining Physical custody in Michigan arises from the current child custody[…]

Michigan Custody and Support in Divorce Cases

Michigan legal custody – What to do when you cannot agree?

Michigan legal custody – What to do when you cannot agree?  By:  Daniel Findling Most divorce cases end with both parents being awarded joint legal custody.  “Joint legal custody” means both parents are entitled to equal access and input to the educational, medical, religious needs of the child.  With joint legal custody parents must jointly[…]

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