burden of proof

Burden of proof in a custody case.

The burden of proof is another way of saying: “How much you have to prove something”. If asked, most people know the burden of proof in a criminal case, which is ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’. Beyond a reasonable doubt is the universal common law rule which limits the governments power to convict someone of a[…]

Property in Michigan

Fault and the division of property.

On December 20, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Julie Weber vs. Lucas Weber. Julie and Lucas married in 2012 and lived with their two minor children on a 20-acre farm where they grew crops and raised cattle. However, things on the farm became unsettled. The parties separated[…]


Meet the 2025 Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and navigating the legal system can feel overwhelming. For residents of Oakland County, Michigan, understanding the role of the Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court is essential to effectively managing this life-changing event. This blog post provides valuable insights into the Divorce Court judges of Oakland County, including[…]


What you need to know before you settle a divorce?

When navigating the complexities of divorce, one of the most critical aspects to address is the division of the marital estate. Whether you’ve been married for a few years or decades, understanding the full scope of your marital estate before settling a divorce is essential to know before you settle a divorce to ensure a[…]

Property in Michigan

Property recieved after divorce

As a general proposition, only property acquired by reason of the marriage (and during the course of the marriage) is divided in a divorce. However, there are circumstances when property received after divorce is also divided. For example, your spouse may have a bonus that was earned during the marriage but paid after the parties[…]

Child Support

New Child Support laws for 2025

Every couple of years the Michigan Child Support Formula manual is updated. In this blog we are going to review the list of major changes or the new child support laws for 2025. Deviation from the child support formula in 2025 The first new child support laws fo 2025 concern deviation from the formula. Simply[…]


Communication during divorce

Good communication can be a foundation to understand and address issues that may be of concern for parents with children going through a divorce. Sharing information regarding school work, doctor appointments and extracurricular activities can help foster and encourage a good parent child relationship with both parents. Unfortunately, good communication during divorce can be complicated[…]

Custody in Michigan

Granting sole legal custody

Granting sole legal custody to a party is not very common, however there are facts and circumstances sufficient to do so. Unlike parenting time, which defines the frequency and duration each parent spends with a child, legal custody describes decision making authority. The law defining legal custody can be found in Michigan Compiled Laws, section[…]

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

How to change spousal support?

The statutory right to modify spousal support is outlined in MCL 552.28, “. . . the court may revise and alter the judgment, respecting the amount or payment of the alimony” but the statute does not provide how to change spousal support? “The object in awarding spousal support is to balance the incomes and needs of the **302 parties so[…]

Ex parte

What is an Ex Parte Order?

“Ex Parte” is a latin phrase every law student learns in the first year of law school and literally means: “on one side only” or “by or for one party”. An ex parte order is a court order entered by only hearing one side of a case instead of both sides. Unlike an Order entered[…]


Fault, divorce and property division.

On September 23, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Qualls vs. Jenkins. In this case, the husband appealed the trial court determination that he was at fault during the course of the marriage when dividing marital property. The most important case that describes how property is divided in[…]

Parenting Time

Motion to Modify Parenting Time to play baseball denied.

On September 12, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Curtis vs. Curtis. At trial, Mr. Curtis filed a Motion to Modify Parenting Time and his Motion to allow the children to play travel baseball and his request was denied. He requested appellate review. The parties divorced in September[…]

Moving out of the house

The decision to move out of the house.

You made the decision your marriage is over and you want out. Michigan law does not require you to stay in the house during a divorce. You may want to avoid conflict or simply begin the process of moving on. However, you should consider the following before deciding to move out. First, there are financial[…]


When is a divorce settlement final?

Suppose a client comes into your office expressing buyer’s doubt, buyer’s remorse, regret, or simply that sinking feeling experienced a few hours or days after settlement. The client has changed his/her mind. Typically, the client is seeking a second opinion, having lost confidence in his/her lawyer. Most lawyers want to make their clients happy. However,[…]

property division

Does size really matter? Wedding ring, marriage expenses and divorce.

Does size really matter in marriage? A study published in the Journal of Economic Inquiry examined if the amount of money spent on a wedding could predict the length of a marriage. The study suggested that the more money spent on an engagement ring does not predict a longer marriage. Rather, the data suggests the[…]

Custody in Michigan

Divorcing a narcissist.

If your spouse has a grandiose sense of self importance, exaggerates achievements and talents, is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power beauty and idealization, then, according to the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, you may be married to a narcissist. There are two paths to every divorce, the legal path and the emotional[…]

Custody in Michigan

Best Interest of the child questions to ask?

Every child custody or parenting time case requires an examination of what is in the Best interest of the child which are 12 factors defined in Michigan Compiled Law section 722.23. In this article, we will explore sample questions that can be asked relating to each Best Interest of the child factor. Sample Best interest[…]

Custody in Michigan

Does child custody even matter anymore?

raditionally, Child custody came in two forms. Legal custody and physical custody. Legal custody is defined by statute (MCL 722.26a(7)(b)) and refers to the “decision making authority as to important decisions affecting the welfare of the child”. However, physical custody is not defined by statute.

Parenting Time

Parenting time appeal win by Findling Law

On May 30th, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals agreed with Findling Law, PLC in finding the trial court made a “clear legal error on a major issue” in reversing the trial court’s ruling denying father parenting time with the minor child. In Corsetti v. Cohen, the parties entered into a consent order granting mother[…]

Judge Dennings

The Divorce Judges of Macomb County 2024

The 2024 Judges of the 16th Judicial Circuit (Judges of Macomb County) Oakland County come from a diverse background and family law experience. At Findling Law, we have the great privilege of appearing before all of the full-time family court (divorce court) Judges of Macomb County. These Judges are assigned cases involving divorce, custody, support[…]


Where do you file for divorce?

In Michigan, you file for divorce in the county in which you or your spouse reside. However, there are certain requirements which must be met before you can file for divorce which are set forth in Michigan Compiled Laws section 552.9. State residency requirment: Prior to filing a complaint for divorce you or your spouse[…]


An introduction to divorce in Michigan

An introduction to divorce begins with the definition of divorce. “Divorce” is the legal process by which a marriage ends and changes your legal status from married to divorced. In Michigan the court will address the division of property and debts, alimony (sometimes called spousal support), and in cases involving minor children custody and parenting[…]

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