Parenting Time

Suspending Parenting Time

On January 17, 2025, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Lisa Jenson vs. Stephen Thiel. Stephen requested reversal of the trial court’s order awarding Lisa sole legal custody of the parties’ minor child and suspending parenting time for Stephen. The parties married in 2011 and had one minor child.[…]


Meet the 2025 Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and navigating the legal system can feel overwhelming. For residents of Oakland County, Michigan, understanding the role of the Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court is essential to effectively managing this life-changing event. This blog post provides valuable insights into the Divorce Court judges of Oakland County, including[…]

Property in Michigan

Property recieved after divorce

As a general proposition, only property acquired by reason of the marriage (and during the course of the marriage) is divided in a divorce. However, there are circumstances when property received after divorce is also divided. For example, your spouse may have a bonus that was earned during the marriage but paid after the parties[…]


Before you settle a divorce case.

If you are stuck in your situation and want out, you may want to settle your divorce quickly. Divorce can be one of the most challenging times in your life, and your decision to move on with your life without your spouse may be best. Once issues relating to kids, custody and support are resolved[…]

Where do you file for divorce?

In Michigan, you file for divorce in the county in which you or your spouse reside. However, there are certain requirements which must be met before you can file for divorce which are set forth in Michigan Compiled Laws section 552.9. State residency requirment: Prior to filing a complaint for divorce you or your spouse[…]

Divorce process

The Early Intervention Conference in Oakland County

The Oakland County Friend of the Court (FOC) consists of a group of attorneys, counselors and support staff which assist the court in cases involving minor children or support by providing a formal (or informal) dispute resolution service including custody and support valuations. Another important function of the FOC is to conduct an Early Intervention[…]

Custody in Michigan

Michigan custody laws – the videos

Michigan child custody law can be complex but don’t worry. We make it easy to help you understand this area of the law with the Michigan Divorce Education Series of videos on custody.

Divorce myths

Divorce myths. A video of truth.

In this article, we cover the top 10 divorce myths. When it comes to Michigan divorce law, everyone has a story about a ‘friend’ who went through a divorce and (fill in the blank) happened. Further complicating matters are the countless television shows and tabloid articles regarding divorce. While gossip, television shows and tabloid articles[…]

Is it Ok to date before divorce?

Michigan adultery law – it is a crime.

Adultery under Michigan adultery law is never enforced. However, the adultery statute provides: “Adultery is the sexual intercourse of 2 persons, either of whom is married to a third person.” Michigan Compiled Laws 750.29 The punishment for the crime of adultery is severe. Adultery is a felony, which means adultery is punishable by more than[…]

alimony in Michigan

How much social security does an ex spouse get?

The ex spouse of a worker covered by social security may qualify for a benefit equal to 50 percent of the insured worker’s primary insurance amount while the worker is living and 100 percent of the insured worker’s primary insurance amount after the insured workers death. See: 42 USC 402(b)(2),(c)(2),(e)(2)(a), (f)(3)(A). The benefits paid to[…]

Divorce lawyer

Spare the Grey Hairs: 10 Ways a Divorce Lawyer Can Save You Money and Aggravation

Here at Findling Law, we appreciate how anxious you may be to get your divorce over as soon as possible. In fact, you may be scrolling through the extensive library of divorce materials on our website right now, educating yourself on a variety of Michigan divorce law topics, as well as how to best prepare[…]

Michigan divorce

Michigan divorce and Michigan Custody law – equity

Law and Equity – Doing what is fair in Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases. In Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases, the judge sits in both law and equity.  Divorce and custody law is the written rules of law found in statutes, court rules and court cases.  Equity is best described as doing what[…]

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