Divorce in Michigan – Everything you need to know

Marriage struggles are real and sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan. If your unhappy and are considering a divorce in Michigan, here is everything you need to know. Sometimes things don’t get better. However, the proverb “knowledge is power” can help you take control of your situation with a fresh start[…]

Property in Michigan

Dividing unvested stock options in divorce

You or your spouse worked hard and it has finally paid off with the right to purchase stocks at a discount from your employer. When stock options are granted they typically provide an opportunity to purchase shares of stock in the future at a fixed price and can be highly valuable. The future date is[…]

Michigan divorce process

The Michigan Divorce Education Series.

In 2012, we envisioned a divorce video education series which evolved into the The Michigan Divorce Education Series by Findling Law. The idea was to provide quality information (more than just the basics with case law and statutory support) on Michigan Divorce, Custody, Alimony and support.

Divorce laws in Michigan

What are the divorce laws in Michigan?

The divorce laws in Michigan provide that a divorce will be granted upon a finding by the court  that there has been a breakdown in the marriage. This language summarizes the no-fault divorce law that changes your legal status from married to divorced.  The Divorce Laws in Michigan – No fault divorce. The no-fault divorce[…]


Legal Separation in Michigan

If divorce has crossed your mind but you are not ready to file, you may want to consider legal separation. Deciding to stay or leave takes courage. Legal separation in Michigan can be as simple as a private agreement to separate to a legally enforceable document.

Custody in Michigan

Divorce in Michigan

The grounds for divorce in Michigan are simple. One party must allege that there is a breakdown of the marriage, the objects of matrimony are destroyed and there is no likelihood that the marriage can be saved. The grounds for divorce is what makes Michigan a no-fault divorce state. As a no-fault state, some people[…]

Oakland County Divorce

Can you change your mind after settlement?

You successfully settled your divorce case when you wake up the next morning with regret, buyer’s remorse, or simply that sinking feeling experienced about what you just did. Can you change your mind after settlement? The first step in the analysis is determining if your settlement is in fact a contract. Was there an offer[…]

Spying on Spouse

The use of a Discovery deposition at trial

Discovery is the formal process by which you “discover” information relevant to the case. In a Michigan divorce, custody or family law case, discovery is conducted in three ways.  First, Interrogatories (think Interrogate) which are written questions which must be answered under oath and subject to the felony of perjury.  Second, a Subpoena, which is[…]

Child Support

How to have your spouse pay your attorney fees?

Can you have your spouse pay your attorney fees for a divorce or other family law case?  The answer is yes! When someone starts to think about divorce, one of the first questions they have is how much is it going to cost? The cost of a divorce varies with the complexity of the case[…]

Free pension calculator

Free Divorce Pension Calculator

Free Divorce Pension Calculator. The Divorce Pension Calculator is a Google spreadsheet that you can use to calculate the marital portion of a pension benefit in a divorce. The Divorce Pension Calculator estimates the marital portion of a pension benefit utilizing the coverture fraction. While there are a few different ways to divorce as divorce[…]

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