Michigan custody modification

Michigan custody modification

The Brady Bunch got it right when they sang the once well-known verse of their hit single: “When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange.”  However, in custody cases, change does not always come easy. In fact, Michigan custody modification law makes it difficult to “rearrange” custody if the change is really big.  By[…]

Holiday parenting time

6 Tips for Surviving the Holiday Custody Schedule

Resolving your holiday visitation and custody schedule is yet another element of separation and divorce that needs to be settled, and survived. In a recent article, we explained how holiday visitation is resolved in Michigan. The holiday custody schedule might end up being very different from what you were expecting. How can you cope when[…]

Oakland County divorce help

Where to find divorce help in Oakland County

This article on where to find divorce help in Oakland County was inspired by the Oakland County Friend of the Court handout with the same title and I felt sharing it worth sharing with our audience. Divorce help in Oakland County at Findling Law While I recognize I may be stating the obvious, you can[…]

Holiday parenting time

All I want for Christmas is holiday visitation

The Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwannzaa . . .) holidays give plenty of reasons to be stressed out.  Add a holiday visitation dispute to the season and the stress level can reach epic proportions. Holiday visitation in Michigan is governed by Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.27a which provides that visitation shall be granted in accordance with the[…]

Wayne County Friend of the Court

Wayne County Friend of the Court contact information

The Wayne County Friend of the Court is changing its contact information. Beginning December 1, 2016, The Wayne County Friend of the Court will be changing its phone number. The change is in accordance with an upgrade in technology from the State of Michigan. The new Wayne County Friend of the Court telephone number will[…]


Creating a Co-Parenting Plan

Co-Parenting Plan One of the biggest challenges in a divorce is the determination of how time with the child (or children, as the case may be) will be split between the parents. A written document outlining how the parents will raise the child after divorce (and, sometimes, after separation), is called a co-parenting plan, visitation,[…]

Considering divorce

6 Things to Know When Considering Divorce

Making the choice to divorce is a big deal. A really big deal.  You won’t be making this decision on a whim, nor should you make it without empowering yourself with information. Here are 6 things you need to know when considering divorce.       Know when to see a lawyer. A divorce is[…]

Kids and divorce

When the Kids Don’t Get Along

Everyday life with kids can be tricky, no matter what age they are. Sometimes, kids don’t get along, and some may seem to get along rarely, if ever. This can take a toll on the rest of the family, especially when a major life change is occurring, like a divorce. When the kids just seem[…]

Nesting divorce

Nesting – New Age Parenting After Divorce

When you’re going through a divorce, there is a lot to think about. When children are involved, they can be one of the biggest sources of both comfort and worry during this major life change. Whether you get along with your spouse or not, it can be very tricky to figure out the best living[…]

dog and divorce

My dog and divorce. (ok. cats too)

When I got married, my wife had a cat.  I love my wife but I don’t like cats.  Now we have a dog and ironically, the dog has bonded with my wife.  For many, issues relating to a dog and divorce (note – when I say dog, the same rules also apply to cats, horses, ferrets,[…]


Deciding to Stay Together or Divorce: Effects on Kids

We talk about the mechanics and strategies of divorce a lot in our blog, as you would expect.  But, it’s important to also take a wider look at the effects on kids that your divorce – or decision not to divorce- may have. Staying Together may have negative effects on kids You may have been[…]

Church and divorce

Can a divorce court require a parent to take a child to church?

Lawyers in Oakland County fondly refer to Wednesday as cattle call day because Wednesday is miscellaneous motion call.  A motion requests a judge to make a decision on an issue and one of the issues argued last Wednesday was if a divorce court can require a parent to take a child to church? My opposing[…]

divorce is your fault

What if the divorce is your fault?

There is confusion among clients and even some lawyers of the role fault plays in a divorce.  Which beg’s the question:  Does it matter if the divorce is your fault? The answer to the question is it may. Michigan No-fault divorce It is important to understand what no-fault divorce actually is.  No-fault divorce is the[…]

Burden of proof

The burden of child custody – burden of proof case law

When fighting for custody in a Michigan divorce or custody case you have an obligation to prove your claims with evidence.  This obligation is called the burden of proof. The different Michigan child custody burden of proofs are: Clear and convincing evidence which requires evidence that the claim is very highly probable; and Preponderance of[…]


Changes at the Oakland County divorce court

The Oakland County divorce court is changing.  Mandatory retirement, judicial appointments and elections in November will result in even more changes at Oakland County divorce court.  The Oakland County divorce court is made up of Judges from both circuit court and probate court.  These judges specialize in hearing family law cases such as divorce, custody,[…]

divorce with children

Some thoughts on divorce with children

Some thoughts on divorce with children This letter is written from the perspective of an experienced divorce and family lawyer and not an expert opinion of a mental health professional.  A mental health professional may agree or disagree with this letter.  If you are considering divorce, have been divorced or are going through a divorce[…]

Divorce Arbitration

Arbitration and Michigan Divorce

In a Michigan divorce, the parties can agree to arbitration instead of trial. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution which is also referred to as ADR.  Arbitration is similar to mediation except the arbitrator can make a binding decision if the parties cannot agree on an issue. When parties mediate a divorce case,[…]


Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?

Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?  Let’s face it, sometimes Judges get things wrong.  When they do, one option is to take an appeal, but can you sue a Judge in Michigan? The Michigan Court of Appeals is an intermediate higher court and can overturn a lower court’s decision when it makes an error[…]

Best Interest Factors

Michigan child custody law – the statutes

Michigan child custody law – the statutes. In this article we examine the most commonly cited statutes relating to Michigan child custody law. Sources of Michigan child custody law Michigan child custody law comes from four sources, statutes, precedent, court rules and English common law.  When the legislature passes a Michigan child custody law, the[…]


Child abduction by a parent is a crime in Michigan

Custody in Michigan – Child abduction law in Michigan Child abduction by a parent is a felony Michigan which means it is punishable by more than 1 year in prison.  The Michigan Penal Code Act 328 of 1931 can be found in MCL 750.350a and is commonly known as the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act.  […]


Is securing vaccination in a child’s best interest?

Like any parent with children there came a time where my wife and I discussed vaccination for our children was appropriate.  After all, every parent wants to protect their child from every possible risk and the information (or misinformation) regarding vaccination is all over the map.  When parents cannot agree on an issue, Michigan divorce and[…]

joint custody

Child custody appeal – What you can do if the court got it wrong.

Sometimes things do not go as planned. Parents typically celebrate after a child is born.  Unfortunately, many relationships end, and if parents cannot agree on custody or parenting time of a child, the Michigan divorce or custody court will decide how custody is awarded and parenting time is spent.  When a court makes the wrong[…]

Established custodial environment

Why is the established custodial environment so important in Michigan child custody cases?

The established custodial environment. Under Michigan child custody law, the established custodial environment is the parent a child naturally looks to for guidance, discipline, the necessities of life, and parental comfort.  The law defining the established custodial environment is Michigan Compiled Laws, section 722.27. Why is the established custodial environment so important? The established custodial environment is important[…]


Divorce fraud in Michigan divorce cases – time matters!

Imagine entering into a divorce settlement only to find out later that your spouse committed divorce fraud.  Divorce fraud occurs when someone uses deception to alter a result for financial or personal gain.  The most common divorce fraud involves the value of something, typically a business, real estate or investment.  Divorce fraud occurs when one[…]

Best interest of the child factor (i) – “I want to live with . . .”

Best interest of the child factor (i)  –  “I want to live with . . .” Best interest of the child factor (i) examines if it is ever appropriate for a child to decide who to live with?   Frankly, the short answer is no.  A child is not a parent.  A child is a child and[…]

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