parenting time

The difference between parenting time and visitation.

Visitation and parenting time mean exactly the same thing under Michigan law. The term visitation is old and more appropriate for visiting someone in prison than enjoying time with a child. Some time ago, in an effort to avoid marginalizing or insulting a parent, courts began replacing visitation with the term parenting time, a kinder[…]

Child Custody in Michigan

Parenting time modification and and the established custodial environment

A change in the established custodial environment occurs if parenting-time adjustments change whom the child naturally looks to for guidance, discipline, the necessities of life, and parental comfort.

Child Custody

Changing custody

A trial court can enter and order changing custody, however, before a court may consider modification, the party requesting the change must demonstrate proper cause or a change of circumstances since the entry of the last custody order.

Parenting Time

Parenting time agreement

MCL 722.27a(2): If the parents of a child agree on parenting time terms, the court shall order the parenting time terms unless the court determines on the record by clear and convincing evidence that the parenting time terms are not in the best interests of the child.

Parenting Time

Motion to modify parenting time

Although the threshold requirements to modify custody or a motion to modify parenting time go by the same names, proper cause or a change of circumstance to change custody or modify parenting time have different meanings.

Established custodial environment

Is there an established custodial environment?

A determination of an established custodial environment is important because a court cannot enter an order for child custody (or modify an existing order) without first determining if an established custodial environment exists and the trial court must make clear findings on this issue before deciding custody.

Custody in Michigan

What is a custodial parent in Michigan?

In Michigan, a custodial parent is the the parent with whom a child spends the majority of overnights with during the course of a year. This definition is similar to that used by the Internal Revenue Service when determining dependent status for tax purposes.

Divorce process in Michigan
Parenting Time

When can a court suspend parenting time?

Prior to suspending parenting time of a party, the trial court must hold an evidentiary hearing and find by clear and convincing evidence that continuation of parenting time would endanger the child’s physical, mental, or emotional health. Rozek v Rozek, 203 Mich App 193, 194-195; 511 NW2d 693 (1993).

parenting time

Summer parenting time with Covid. How to parent?

With Memorial Day in our rear-view mirror, we look forward to summer. Sunny days. Lemonade stands. Pool toys. Boats. Games of capture the flag. Ice cream trucks. Sleep-away camp. These are just some of the many things we associate with the summer months in the great State of Michigan. Unfortunately, we are entering summer during[…]

Michigan Divorce
Child Support

How often can child support be modified?

Simply put, there is no limit as to how often child support can be modified in Michigan, provided there is a significant change of circumstance since the entry of the last child support order.

Friend of the Court

Oakland County Friend of the Court

If you are involved in a divorce or custody matter in Oakland County Michigan than you need to know about the Oakland County Friend of the Court.Like the name implies, the Friend of the Court (“FOC”) assists the Oakland County Divorce and Family Court Judges. If an Oakland County divorce or Child custody or Child[…]

Custody in Michigan

Changing custody in Michigan Video

This video on changing custody in Michigan (custody modification) video webinar provides the most updated information on modifying child custody and an existing child custody order. We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you in control of your situation which is why we created the Michigan Divorce Education Series and in[…]

Divorce laws in Michigan

What are the divorce laws in Michigan?

The divorce laws in Michigan provide that a divorce will be granted upon a finding by the court  that there has been a breakdown in the marriage. This language summarizes the no-fault divorce law that changes your legal status from married to divorced.  The Divorce Laws in Michigan – No fault divorce. The no-fault divorce[…]

Michigan divorce steps video webinar

With over 21,000 views in just a few years we decided it was time to update another of our most popular webinars. The Michigan Divorce Steps (Michigan Divorce Process) video webinar provides the most updated information on the steps of a Michigan divorce. We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you[…]

Custody in Michigan

How to get custody in Michigan

Most people will do anything for their children. Unfortunately, when a relationship is on the rocks child custody may become an issue. So, how do you get child custody in Michigan? We provide answers to this question and explore many of the nuances in Michigan child custody law. How to get child custody in Michigan[…]


Legal Separation in Michigan

If divorce has crossed your mind but you are not ready to file, you may want to consider legal separation. Deciding to stay or leave takes courage. Legal separation in Michigan can be as simple as a private agreement to separate to a legally enforceable document.

Custody in Michigan

Divorce in Michigan

The grounds for divorce in Michigan are simple. One party must allege that there is a breakdown of the marriage, the objects of matrimony are destroyed and there is no likelihood that the marriage can be saved. The grounds for divorce is what makes Michigan a no-fault divorce state. As a no-fault state, some people[…]

divorce attorney for men

Divorce attorney for men or women in Michigan?

You may be tempted to seek out a divorce attorney for men or women only. There are a lot of attorneys who market themselves as representing men in divorce only or woman in divorce only. The truth about Divorce Attorney for Men or Women The truth is, an experienced divorce attorney understands divorce regardless of[…]

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

Michigan Alimony Calculator

Unlike the Child Support there is no specific formula for alimony. Notwithstanding, lawyers and judges have resources that serve as a Michigan Alimony Calculator.

Oakland County Divorce
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