Parenting Time

Parenting time appeal win by Findling Law

On May 30th, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals agreed with Findling Law, PLC in finding the trial court made a “clear legal error on a major issue” in reversing the trial court’s ruling denying father parenting time with the minor child. In Corsetti v. Cohen, the parties entered into a consent order granting mother[…]

Property division

The marital estate – What to divide?

The importance of understanding the nature and extent of the marital estate before reaching a settlement cannot be understated. After all, if you do not know what there is to divide, how can you determine if a deal is a good or bad deal? Lawyers obtain this information through a process called discovery. Sometimes, the[…]

adultery in Michigan

Adultery and divorce

Adultery is the ultimate betrayal and the cause of many divorces it is also a crime. Adultery is defined in the Michigan Penal Code Section 750.29 which defines adultery as: 50.29 Adultery; definition.Sec. 29.   Definition—Adultery is the sexual intercourse of 2 persons, either of whom is married to a third person. Interesting enough, other sexual[…]

Findling Law

Creating an Effective Attorney-Client Relationship: Part I

It may come as no surprise that emotions may run high in divorce and family law cases. While some matters are more amicable than others, others are extremely contentious, emotional, and simply draining. As an individual in the throes of such a case, it is often easy to overlook the fact that you and your[…]

Findling Law

Gun violence – “Firearm Relinquishment Law And Implementation Could Actually Save Lives”

Note: This article on gun violence was co-authored by Kristina Bilowus of Findling Law, PLC.  Kristina’s article was accepted for publication in the April 2018 State Bar of Michigan Family Bar Journal, an academic journal for divorce and family law practitioners in the State of Michigan. Firearm Relinquishment Law And Implementation Could Actually Save Lives[…]

Findling Law

A letter to the Newly Minted Attorney – Kristina Bilowus

The Ghost of a Lawyer Future – A letter to the Newly Minted Attorney Kristina Bilowus, is an associate attorney at Findling Law and adjunct professor at Western Michigan University Cooley Law School. Kristina had the honor of being published in the November 2017 Michigan Bar Journal, a publication by the State Bar of Michigan.[…]


When is a deal a deal?

When is a deal a deal?  Settlements. I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly column on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to[…]

Change of Circumstances

When Circumstances Change – Michigan Family Law Journal

When Circumstances Change I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly coulmn on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to share ideas; review, evaluate,[…]

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