Custody in Michigan

What exactly is joint custody in Michigan?

Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.26a, requires parents to be advised of joint custody and the court must consider an award of joint custody at the request of either party.

Oakland County Divorce

Divorce in Oakland County

You may think that there is no difference in the divorce laws by County and you are right, sort of. Divorce law is uniform throughout the state, a divorce in Oakland County is different for a number of reasons.

Custody in Michigan

What is a custodial parent in Michigan?

In Michigan, a custodial parent is the the parent with whom a child spends the majority of overnights with during the course of a year. This definition is similar to that used by the Internal Revenue Service when determining dependent status for tax purposes.

statute of limitations

Determining Income for support

Determining income for child support or alimony purposes in Michigan often requires looking beyond the tax returns. So what is considered income for support in Michigan? Income for support and the 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual Chapter 2 of the 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual is a good resource in how to determine[…]

Custody in Michigan

The role of the custodial parent in Michigan Divorce.

The phrase custodial parent is not defined in Michigan divorce or custody law. However, the term has evolved to mean the parent that is awarded the majority of parenting time in a specific Michigan divorce or custody case. Michigan statutes and case law have defined two types of custody in Michigan. Legal custody and physical[…]

Custody in Michigan

Proper cause or change of circumstances

There is a barrier to modification of custody, child support, spousal support (alimony) and parenting time. The barrier is proper cause or change of circumstances. In a prior article, we examined the seminal case on the subject, Vodvarka v. Grassmeyer which defines both proper cause and change of circumstances in the context of a child[…]

move on

Can you move with kids now that you can work from anywhere?

In Michigan, several key legal provisions govern with respect to where you can live and move with your kids including Michigan Compiled Laws section 723.31(1). and Michigan Compiled Laws section 723.31(4)

Michigan divorce process

The Michigan Divorce Education Series.

In 2012, we envisioned a divorce video education series which evolved into the The Michigan Divorce Education Series by Findling Law. The idea was to provide quality information (more than just the basics with case law and statutory support) on Michigan Divorce, Custody, Alimony and support.

Divorce Trial

Your Divorce Deposition – Think, don’t guess, don’t lie

A divorce deposition is a form of discovery. Discovery is the formal process by which you “discover” information relevant to the case. There are three forms of discovery in a Michigan divorce. First, Interrogatories (think to interrogate) which are written questions which must be answered under oath and subject to the felony of perjury.  Second, a[…]

Custody in Michigan

Understanding Michigan custody law.

Michigan Custody Law can be broken down into three steps. First, (in modification cases), you must address proper cause or change of circumstances. Second, you must address an established custodial environment. Third, you must address the best interest of the child factors.

Divorce process in Michigan
Oakland County Divorce

The 2020 Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court

Oakland County Circuit Court – Family Division:  At Findling Law, we have the great privilege of appearing before divorce courts throughout the state of Michigan.  One of these courts is the Oakland County Circuit Court.   The Oakland County Circuit Court – Family Division is simply known as the Oakland County Divorce Court. The Oakland[…]

Domestic violence
Michigan Divorce
Custody in Michigan

Child Custody Jurisdiction

On March 12, 2020, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion in the case of Negron vs. Watts.  In this Michigan custody action, the mother argued on appeal that the court lacked child custody jurisdiction to decide the case. Therefore, the final custody and parenting time order granting father sole legal and physical custody[…]

Zoom hearing
parenting time
Child Support

How often can child support be modified?

Simply put, there is no limit as to how often child support can be modified in Michigan, provided there is a significant change of circumstance since the entry of the last child support order.

Friend of the Court

Oakland County Friend of the Court

If you are involved in a divorce or custody matter in Oakland County Michigan than you need to know about the Oakland County Friend of the Court.Like the name implies, the Friend of the Court (“FOC”) assists the Oakland County Divorce and Family Court Judges. If an Oakland County divorce or Child custody or Child[…]

Custody in Michigan

Changing custody in Michigan Video

This video on changing custody in Michigan (custody modification) video webinar provides the most updated information on modifying child custody and an existing child custody order. We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you in control of your situation which is why we created the Michigan Divorce Education Series and in[…]

Divorce laws in Michigan

What are the divorce laws in Michigan?

The divorce laws in Michigan provide that a divorce will be granted upon a finding by the court  that there has been a breakdown in the marriage. This language summarizes the no-fault divorce law that changes your legal status from married to divorced.  The Divorce Laws in Michigan – No fault divorce. The no-fault divorce[…]

Michigan divorce steps video webinar

With over 21,000 views in just a few years we decided it was time to update another of our most popular webinars. The Michigan Divorce Steps (Michigan Divorce Process) video webinar provides the most updated information on the steps of a Michigan divorce. We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you[…]


Child Custody Laws in Michigan – The case of Farris v. Farris

On December 17, 2019, the Michigan Court of Appeal issued an opinion in the case of Kristina Reslin Farris vs. Eric Daniel Farris. The case examines child custody laws of Michigan after the trial court awarded Kristina sole legal custody and sole physical custody of the parties’ two minor children. Eric had a history of[…]

Custody in Michigan

How to get custody in Michigan

Most people will do anything for their children. Unfortunately, when a relationship is on the rocks child custody may become an issue. So, how do you get child custody in Michigan? We provide answers to this question and explore many of the nuances in Michigan child custody law. How to get child custody in Michigan[…]

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