dog and divorce

My dog and divorce. (ok. cats too)

When I got married, my wife had a cat.  I love my wife but I don’t like cats.  Now we have a dog and ironically, the dog has bonded with my wife.  For many, issues relating to a dog and divorce (note – when I say dog, the same rules also apply to cats, horses, ferrets,[…]

divorce is your fault

What if the divorce is your fault?

There is confusion among clients and even some lawyers of the role fault plays in a divorce.  Which beg’s the question:  Does it matter if the divorce is your fault? The answer to the question is it may. Michigan No-fault divorce It is important to understand what no-fault divorce actually is.  No-fault divorce is the[…]


College Support

Every year thousands of Michigan children will start college for the first time and college support is an agreement to provide support for college expenses.  Unlike child support which typically ends when a child turns 18 and graduates high school, college support continues after graduation from high school (and after a child turns 18). There[…]


Changes at the Oakland County divorce court

The Oakland County divorce court is changing.  Mandatory retirement, judicial appointments and elections in November will result in even more changes at Oakland County divorce court.  The Oakland County divorce court is made up of Judges from both circuit court and probate court.  These judges specialize in hearing family law cases such as divorce, custody,[…]

Divorce Arbitration

Arbitration and Michigan Divorce

In a Michigan divorce, the parties can agree to arbitration instead of trial. Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution which is also referred to as ADR.  Arbitration is similar to mediation except the arbitrator can make a binding decision if the parties cannot agree on an issue. When parties mediate a divorce case,[…]


How to hide assets in a divorce case.

Why hide assets in a divorce case?   The answer is simple, to prevent sharing the assets with your spouse. WARNING:  Do not hide assets in a divorce case!  –  “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time” – Baretta.  Hiding assets in a divorce case may be illegal and the consequences will likely[…]

Security for support

Support security

Support security is important in Michigan divorce or child custody cases where child support or alimony (spousal support) payments are awarded.  The security provides protection in the event the person responsible for paying child support or alimony stops paying. Support security in cases of death When the person responsible for paying child support or alimony[…]


Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?

Can you sue a Judge in Michigan?  Let’s face it, sometimes Judges get things wrong.  When they do, one option is to take an appeal, but can you sue a Judge in Michigan? The Michigan Court of Appeals is an intermediate higher court and can overturn a lower court’s decision when it makes an error[…]

Contempt of Court

Show Cause Hearing

Ever wonder how a court enforce’s its orders?  One answer is a show cause hearing.  A show cause hearing asks the question:  “Why shouldn’t the court hold you in contempt of court for violation of the court’s order?”   At a show cause hearing, the burden is placed on the person suspected of violating a[…]

Settlement Agreement

Confidential Settlement Agreements

Divorce can be a public event but it does not have to be.  A divorce ends a marriage.  Unfortunately, for a private individual a divorce  can evolve into a public affair drenched in gossip.  Judgment of Divorce When a divorce is granted the judge signs a document called a Judgment of Divorce which is the[…]

Business value and divorce

The value of a business in divorce – part 2

In the  first part of this two part series on determining the value of a business in divorce we examined four definitions of value in a divorce.  The four definitions are Fair Market Value, Fair Value and Investment Value and Holders Interest Value. It does not matter if the business was started during the course[…]

The value of a business in divorce

Most businesses, small and large, have value and Michigan divorce property law requires a fair division of all property acquired by reason of the marriage.  It does not matter if the business was started during the course of the marriage or merely increased in value during the course of the marriage for the value of[…]

Marriage and divorce

Marriage is the chief cause of divorce

“Marriage is the chief cause of divorce.” The satirical title of this post, “Marriage is the chief cause of divorce” is credited to Julius Henry who is most commonly known as Groucho Marx the rapid fire comedian.  However, divorce is never funny. While marriage can be wonderful, it can also be problematic.  For many, marriage[…]

Waiting period

The statutory waiting period for a Michigan divorce

The Michigan divorce statutory waiting period The statutory waiting period for a Michigan divorce is dictated by statute.  The Law – Michigan Compiled Laws 552.9f (MCL 552.9f) The statutory waiting period for a Michigan divorce is found in Michigan Compiled Laws 552.9f.  MCL 552.9f provides that a Michigan divorce without a minor child must wait[…]

Dependent tax exemption

Dependent child exemption and support – Is it worth fight over?

Dependent child exemption and support – Is it worth fight over? A dependent child exemption reduces a taxpayer’s adjusted gross income leaving more money in the taxpayers pocket by ensuring that not all of your income is taxed.  In 2014, the value of a dependent child exemption is $3,950.00 per child.  That is real money.[…]

Divorce tricks

The top five dirty divorce tricks

   The top five dirty divorce tricks Divorce can be coupled with anger, jealousy and other deep emotional triggers.  These triggers can result in revengeful gamesmanship or greed.  Some spouses will use every trick in the book to win at all costs. 1.  Conflicting out top attorneys: It is important to hire a top attorney[…]

The Friend of the Court Referee

The Friend of the Court Referee A Friend of the court referee is appointed by the chief Judge to assist in Michigan divorce, custody and domestic relations cases.  A Michigan Friend of the Court Referee power is defined in Michigan Compiled Laws Section 552.507. Michigan law (MCL 552.507) provides that a Friend of the Court[…]

Michigan Divorce Evidence – The Rules of Evidence

Michigan divorce evidence – The Michigan Rules of Evidence The introduction of Michigan divorce evidence is governed by the Michigan rules of evidence.  The Michigan rules of evidence apply in every Michigan divorce case that goes to court from a simple motion to a complex trial.  Imagine wanting to introduce very important evidence only to[…]


Changes in Macomb County divorce court

Changes at Macomb County divorce court Change is the law of life.  Judge Kathryn Vivano of the Macomb County divorce court is leaving the Macomb County Divorce court and she will be serving the Macomb County business court.  The Michigan Supreme Court in which her brother serves as a Supreme Court Justice, issued Administrative Order[…]

Michigan divorce

Michigan divorce and Michigan Custody law – equity

Law and Equity – Doing what is fair in Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases. In Michigan divorce and Michigan custody cases, the judge sits in both law and equity.  Divorce and custody law is the written rules of law found in statutes, court rules and court cases.  Equity is best described as doing what[…]

Attorney fees

Divorce attorney fees – Getting your spouse to pay

Divorce attorney fees – getting your spouse to pay.  By: Daniel Findling Divorce attorney fees – getting your spouse to pay. Quality representation is not always cheap.  A common question is can you get your spouse to pay for your divorce attorney fees?  The answer is yes. Michigan divorce law provides authority to request the[…]

no fault divorce

No fault divorce in Michigan

No fault divorce in Michigan By:  Daniel Findling No fault divorce in Michigan became effective on January 1, 1972.  The no fault divorce in Michigan statute is located in Michigan compiled laws section 552.6 and provides that a divorce may be filed upon the allegation that there is a “breakdown of the marriage relationship to[…]

Spying on Spouse

Private Investigator and Michigan divorce

Something is not right . . . should I hire a private investigator?  By:  Daniel Findling (c) 2014 When people think of a private investigator they might think of Magnum PI or an anonymous looking person sitting in a car, eating a cheese burger while trying to catch a cheating spouse in the act.  Reality[…]

Income witholding

Michigan income withholding order – How much can the court take?

Michigan income withholding order – How much can the court take? By:  Daniel Findling When a Michigan divorce court or Michigan custody judge enters an Order for a party to pay alimony (spousal support) or child support, the payor is required to pay the money or suffer the consequences of enforcement.  The most common enforcement mechanism[…]

Security for support

Support security – Securing the future payment of child support and alimony

Support security – Securing the future payment of support:  By Daniel Findling –  Divorce always involves change and an important change in almost every Michigan divorce or legal separation in Michigan is financial. For many, child support payments and alimony payments (spousal support) are an important financial component in moving forward after a divorce or[…]

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