
Spousal support and fault – The Maynard story.

On January 29, 2025, the Michigan Court of Appeals issued its opinion the case of Criag vs. Marcy Maynard. The Maynard story goes like this. The parties married in 2006 when Craig was 64 and March was 60. When the parties married, Marcy moved into Craigs home he purchased before marriage. Marcy worked three part[…]


Meet the 2025 Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, and navigating the legal system can feel overwhelming. For residents of Oakland County, Michigan, understanding the role of the Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court is essential to effectively managing this life-changing event. This blog post provides valuable insights into the Divorce Court judges of Oakland County, including[…]


Divorce Law in Michigan: What You Need to Know for a Smooth Transition

Divorce can be an emotional and stressful experience, and when the legal process is involved, it can quickly become overwhelming. For those going through a divorce in Michigan, it is crucial to understand how Michigan divorce laws work and what steps you need to take to protect your rights and ensure the process goes as[…]

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

How to change spousal support?

The statutory right to modify spousal support is outlined in MCL 552.28, “. . . the court may revise and alter the judgment, respecting the amount or payment of the alimony” but the statute does not provide how to change spousal support? “The object in awarding spousal support is to balance the incomes and needs of the **302 parties so[…]

Ex parte

What is an Ex Parte Order?

“Ex Parte” is a latin phrase every law student learns in the first year of law school and literally means: “on one side only” or “by or for one party”. An ex parte order is a court order entered by only hearing one side of a case instead of both sides. Unlike an Order entered[…]


When is a divorce settlement final?

Suppose a client comes into your office expressing buyer’s doubt, buyer’s remorse, regret, or simply that sinking feeling experienced a few hours or days after settlement. The client has changed his/her mind. Typically, the client is seeking a second opinion, having lost confidence in his/her lawyer. Most lawyers want to make their clients happy. However,[…]

Michigan Divorce

Frustrated and thinking about divorce?

Happiness and “in love” are not always equal. You can remain in love with your spouse and remain unhappy in your marriage. Communication, trust and forgiveness may be cornerstones to a successful marriage, however, so is happiness. After all, everyone should have a right to be happy. If you are frustrated and thinking about divorce[…]


Divorce in Michigan – Everything you need to know

Marriage struggles are real and sometimes things just don’t work out the way you plan. If your unhappy and are considering a divorce in Michigan, here is everything you need to know. Sometimes things don’t get better. However, the proverb “knowledge is power” can help you take control of your situation with a fresh start[…]


Discovery. The process of finding assets in divorce.

It is imperative to understand the nature and extent of the marital estate before reaching a property settlement in divorce. In a Michigan divorce case, the formal process of finding assets is called discovery. After all, you cannot negotiate a good deal until you have an understanding about what there is to divide and the[…]

Imputation of income

Imputation of income for child support

When a parent is voluntarily unemployed or underemployed, or has an unexercised ability to earn, the Michigan Child Support Formula Manual allows a court to include the potential income that parent could earn as income for support purposes (MCSFM 2.01(G)).

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

Different types of alimony and spousal support payments

There are different types of alimony and spousal support payments. A trial court may award either periodic alimony / spousal support, or alimony / spousal support in gross. Periodic spousal support payments “are subject to any contingency, such as death or remarriage of a spouse . . . .” In contrast, spousal support in gross[…]

Oakland County Divorce

Divorce in Oakland County

You may think that there is no difference in the divorce laws by County and you are right, sort of. Divorce law is uniform throughout the state, a divorce in Oakland County is different for a number of reasons.

statute of limitations

Determining Income for support

Determining income for child support or alimony purposes in Michigan often requires looking beyond the tax returns. So what is considered income for support in Michigan? Income for support and the 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual Chapter 2 of the 2021 Michigan Child Support Formula Manual is a good resource in how to determine[…]

Child Custody in Michigan

Michigan divorce law and change of circumstances.

In Michigan a change of circumstances is required to modify custody, child support, spousal support or parenting time. One of the most common questions asked to practitioners in family law cases involves modification of custody, child support, spousal support or parenting time in circumstances when the client perceives the result as unfair. In addressing the[…]

Michigan divorce process

The Michigan Divorce Education Series.

In 2012, we envisioned a divorce video education series which evolved into the The Michigan Divorce Education Series by Findling Law. The idea was to provide quality information (more than just the basics with case law and statutory support) on Michigan Divorce, Custody, Alimony and support.

Divorce process in Michigan
Oakland County Divorce

The 2020 Judges of Oakland County Divorce Court

Oakland County Circuit Court – Family Division:  At Findling Law, we have the great privilege of appearing before divorce courts throughout the state of Michigan.  One of these courts is the Oakland County Circuit Court.   The Oakland County Circuit Court – Family Division is simply known as the Oakland County Divorce Court. The Oakland[…]

Michigan Divorce
Zoom hearing
Support modification

Laid off or fired because of COVID-19? The time to modify support is now.

If your income has been reduced because of the economic effect of the COVID-19 outbreak, Governor Whitmers’ Executive Order 2020-21 (COVID-19), and an alimony or child support order is in effect, the time to modify support is now. There is no retro-active modification of alimony or child support. Time is of the essence to modify support.[…]

Michigan alimony

Michigan Alimony and Spousal Support video webinar

After 109,000 views over 6 years we decided it was time to update one of our most popular webinars. The Alimony in Michigan (Michigan Spousal Support) video webinar provides the most updated information on Alimony in Michigan We believe that knowledge is not only comforting but will put you in control of your situation which[…]

Custody in Michigan

Divorce in Michigan

The grounds for divorce in Michigan are simple. One party must allege that there is a breakdown of the marriage, the objects of matrimony are destroyed and there is no likelihood that the marriage can be saved. The grounds for divorce is what makes Michigan a no-fault divorce state. As a no-fault state, some people[…]

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