Marriage is ending

10 Tips for Staying Productive when your Marriage is Ending.

Moving forward with your life is so hard when your marriage is ending. It can be really hard to stay focused and get anything done at home, work, or school. There are some little things that you can do to regain some of that focus and stay productive when you just want to curl up[…]

Child custody laws in Michigan

Everything there is to know about Michigan Child Custody Laws.

On of the most prolific family law topics relates to child custody and in this article, we will cover more Michigan Child Custody Laws than anyone.  Everything from the basics, to the complex.  In this post we will review everything we have published on the topic of Michigan Child Custody Laws. Michigan child custody resource[…]


5 Tips for Introducing Your New Partner to Your Kids

After you and your spouse have separated, divorced, or found yourselves somewhere in between, you might find yourself in the position of finding a new love interest. And, if you already have kids, you might be wondering when the right time will be to share the news about your new partner with your kids. According[…]

divorce coach

What is a divorce coach and do you need one?

It seems that there’s a coach for everything these days, and that includes divorce, too. While your Findling Law lawyer is your most trusted expert when it comes to all of the legal and strategic aspects of your divorce, you may find that you could use some other types of support during this challenging time. That’s[…]

divorce selfies

Divorce Selfies: The Closure on Divorce

Chances are, you’ve got a smartphone and that you’ve taken some photos with it. You might even have taken a selfie or two, at least to send to your mother or to create a profile picture for your social media accounts. You may even have taken some selfies along the course of your divorce, to[…]


When is a deal a deal?

When is a deal a deal?  Settlements. I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly column on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to[…]

Parallel Parenting

Parallel Parenting: When You Just Can’t Co-Anything Anymore

You’ve probably heard of co-parenting, a term used to describe the situation in which a child’s parents are no longer married or living together. These parents are no longer together as a couple, but they work together to parent the child. But, what happens when the conflict between the parents is really high? They really[…]

Parenting Guilt

Feel Like a Parenting Failure After Divorce? Parenting guilt? You’re Not Alone

It’s called parenting guilt, and all parents feel it at one time or another. In fact, the best of parents in the most secure relationships with excellent financial and emotional security can feel it. So, if you’re in the process of divorce or are newly divorced, it’s not unusual to feel like a parenting failure.[…]

Change of Circumstances

When Circumstances Change – Michigan Family Law Journal

When Circumstances Change I was recently approached by the editors of the Michigan Family Law Journal to write a monthly coulmn on Michigan Divorce and Family Law.  The Michigan Family Law Journal is a publication of the State Bar of Michigan Family Law Section and serves as “Family Law Council’s forum to share ideas; review, evaluate,[…]

Custody in Michigan

Physical Custody in Michigan explained again.

On topic that seems to come up more than any is the notion of physical custody.  Unlike legal custody, which awards a parent with access to the educational, medical, religious and other pertinent records of the child.  Physical custody in Michigan is not easily defined. In fact, the Michigan Child Custody Statute MCL 722.26a does not[…]

Michigan custody modification

Michigan custody modification

The Brady Bunch got it right when they sang the once well-known verse of their hit single: “When it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange.”  However, in custody cases, change does not always come easy. In fact, Michigan custody modification law makes it difficult to “rearrange” custody if the change is really big.  By[…]

Christmas divorce

Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, engagement ring and divorce.

Tis the season to be merry. . . but what if you don’t want to be?  How does a court decide who gets the Christmas gifts? Michigan law regarding property division provides the answer.  A general rule of Michigan divorce property law is the notion that property acquired during the course of the marriage is[…]

Selling the house and divorce

When Selling the House Determines If You Should Divorce

Couples consider their finances and investments very carefully when deciding whether to divorce. In fact, some couples intentionally avoid starting the divorce process despite being miserable together. Why? Because they believe that the home they own together is keeping them from moving forward. In a past article, we tackled the question of who gets to[…]

Emotional Divorce

The artist, the engineer and the emotional divorce

The artist, the engineer and the emotional divorce. When I was in law school, a comment by my Constitutional law professor, Robert Sedler, remains imprinted in my mind.  Professor Sedler commented something along the lines of: “the problems with stereotypes is that they are usually true.”  When I first heard this, I disregarded it as[…]

Holiday parenting time

6 Tips for Surviving the Holiday Custody Schedule

Resolving your holiday visitation and custody schedule is yet another element of separation and divorce that needs to be settled, and survived. In a recent article, we explained how holiday visitation is resolved in Michigan. The holiday custody schedule might end up being very different from what you were expecting. How can you cope when[…]

Oakland County divorce help

Where to find divorce help in Oakland County

This article on where to find divorce help in Oakland County was inspired by the Oakland County Friend of the Court handout with the same title and I felt sharing it worth sharing with our audience. Divorce help in Oakland County at Findling Law While I recognize I may be stating the obvious, you can[…]

Holiday parenting time

All I want for Christmas is holiday visitation

The Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwannzaa . . .) holidays give plenty of reasons to be stressed out.  Add a holiday visitation dispute to the season and the stress level can reach epic proportions. Holiday visitation in Michigan is governed by Michigan Compiled Laws section 722.27a which provides that visitation shall be granted in accordance with the[…]

Michigan divorce

Dropping the Bombshell: How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

So, you’ve done your soul searching, a lot of solid research in our extensive information library, and spoken with your Findling Law divorce attorney about your situation. You have concluded that divorce is right for you. Now, it’s time to think of how to tell your spouse you want a divorce. Know what you want[…]

Wayne County Friend of the Court

Wayne County Friend of the Court contact information

The Wayne County Friend of the Court is changing its contact information. Beginning December 1, 2016, The Wayne County Friend of the Court will be changing its phone number. The change is in accordance with an upgrade in technology from the State of Michigan. The new Wayne County Friend of the Court telephone number will[…]

Posting divorce

Did I just hit send? 7 things not to post in a divorce.

7 Things Not to Post When You Divorce In general, posting personal and delicate information on social media is tricky. But, as we all know, the standards and guidelines that once seemed pretty cut and dry have been falling by the wayside more and more. Still, there are some topics that you should avoid if[…]

Save the marraige

Can a baby save the marriage?

Can a baby save the marriage? We have all heard the story before, the story of a friend whose marriage was falling apart. The wife had learned that her husband had been cheating on her for some time, and she was crushed. In fact, they had only been married for about two years and, in the wife’s[…]

Divorce teacher

How to Collaborate with Teachers When You are Divorcing

How to Collaborate with Teachers When You are Divorcing So much has gone on in your life since your divorce process began, and there just isn’t a single corner of it that hasn’t been turned upside down. For your child, multiply this by a hundred. You have always been there for your child where school[…]

After divorce

7 Tips to Rebuilding After Divorce: Feeling Alone

Indecisive, Lonely, Angry, Afraid or All of the Above after divorce? Self-help advice is everywhere these days, so if you need to rebuild when feeling alone, indecisive, lonely, angry, afraid or all of the above, you have plenty of resources at your disposal. Get stared with our 7 tips to rebuilding after divorce. 1.  Rebuilding[…]

Michigan revenge porn

Revenge porn in Michigan – I have these pictures . . .

Revenge Porn in Michigan Divorce cases. As a Michigan divorce lawyer, I have learned to help clients manage emotions.  However, when a party is engaged in extra-marital sexual contacts or an affair, the emotional response can be overwhelming. Client’s often approach my office with visual evidence of an affair.  Sometimes, the evidence is obtained from[…]


Creating a Co-Parenting Plan

Co-Parenting Plan One of the biggest challenges in a divorce is the determination of how time with the child (or children, as the case may be) will be split between the parents. A written document outlining how the parents will raise the child after divorce (and, sometimes, after separation), is called a co-parenting plan, visitation,[…]

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