Legal Separation in Michigan

If divorce has crossed your mind but you are not ready to file, you may want to consider legal separation. Deciding to stay or leave takes courage. Legal separation in Michigan can be as simple as a private agreement to separate to a legally enforceable document.

Custody in Michigan

Divorce in Michigan

The grounds for divorce in Michigan are simple. One party must allege that there is a breakdown of the marriage, the objects of matrimony are destroyed and there is no likelihood that the marriage can be saved. The grounds for divorce is what makes Michigan a no-fault divorce state. As a no-fault state, some people[…]

Divorce vs Separation

A comparison of Divorce vs Separation at first seems simple. In a Divorce you end the marriage. In a Separation Agreement you remain married. There are three ways to separate in Michigan. So the comparison of Divorce vs. Separation is not so obvious.

Alimony in Michigan Spousal support

Michigan Alimony Calculator

Unlike the Child Support there is no specific formula for alimony. Notwithstanding, lawyers and judges have resources that serve as a Michigan Alimony Calculator.

Oakland County Divorce
Emotional Divorce

The decision to divorce – How to decide. Is divorce in your future?

The decision to divorce is not easy. After all, you committed to stating married “for better or worse”.  While some people get married for the wrong reason, others were once built on love and mutual respect which has evolved to disdain and conflict. How to make the decision to divorce? The decision to divorce –[…]

Court Order

A court speaks through its orders, not its oral statements.

In the majority of divorce and family law cases, a court will issue its opinion from the bench. This is more common during motion call. The other times a court will issue a written opinion. Careful drafting is important because a court speaks through its orders. When a court issues its opinion from the bench,[…]

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